Monday, 30 April 2012

New Orchid at amm

New dendrobiums in the garden

mini dendrobium that never fail to bloom for me

dendrobium unicum. Bought from padang besar

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Anggerik yg mekar di laman angerik meow-meow

Beberapa orkid yg masih/sedang berbunga di laman amm

 phalaenopsis cornucervi yg tak putus berbunga
 phalaenopsis hybrid yg bunganya tahan lama
 Dendrobium hybrid
 Dendrobium hybrid
 Dendrobiun hybrid
Phalaenopsis bellina yang tidak putus berbunga walaupun sekali berbunga hanya sekuntum

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Perlis Orchid Show

Perlis Orchid Show was held on 7 April 2012 at Rimba Herba Sg Batu Pahat Perlis. As one of the new members of Persatuan Orkid Perlis (POP) I did participated in the show with 3 of my plants. One of my plants got third place in the Blc category and my Phal got second in the Phal category. TQ to Makarimi and Zulkifli for the encouragements.

                                                                 Best in Show

                                                       My Blc  Rustic spots

                                                               My Phalaenopsis NoID